all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 4AA 36 1 53.751366 -2.677098
PR5 4AB 37 1 53.751421 -2.678066
PR5 4AD 4 0 53.752238 -2.678583
PR5 4AE 8 0 53.752382 -2.678525
PR5 4AF 50 0 53.737889 -2.691905
PR5 4AH 11 0 53.752249 -2.678174
PR5 4AJ 6 0 53.751507 -2.679026
PR5 4AL 10 0 53.751991 -2.677806
PR5 4AN 5 0 53.751742 -2.677347
PR5 4AP 4 0 53.751421 -2.676902
PR5 4AQ 55 17 53.750653 -2.67918
PR5 4AR 8 7 53.749298 -2.68028
PR5 4AU 12 4 53.749103 -2.673528
PR5 4AW 20 18 53.74881 -2.679119
PR5 4AX 2 2 53.74822 -2.673466
PR5 4AY 11 5 53.748112 -2.672299
PR5 4BA 18 2 53.748643 -2.672141
PR5 4BB 25 0 53.748312 -2.670301
PR5 4BD 20 0 53.748459 -2.671274
PR5 4BE 5 0 53.748014 -2.670569